

Full reverse engineering of the WHOOP 4.0 heart rate strap! The protocol was reimplemented in both python and javascript. A web app was made using the Web Bluetooth API for interfacing with the strap.

PlayStation 4 Debugger

This debugger is for the PlayStation 4 FreeBSD 9 kernel. This project enabled thousands of game mods created by the community. The debugger was ported to PS5 by some friends.

The debugger loads a kernel ELF which installs custom system calls and hooks kernel functions. Then the debugger injects itself into the userland SceShellCore process. The debugger spins up an RPC server. I have written client libraries so people can write tools in C++ or C# to debug their PlayStation 4.

PlayStation 4 Kernel Patches

All the videos in this playlist use this project.

I wrote a set of patches for the PlayStation 4 kernel. These patches allow full access to anything on your console. The binary also includes an RPC server. The RPC server even supports injecting ELF files into other userland processes. All over the network.

PlayStation 4 Ghidra Loader

Call Of Duty Ghosts Forge Mod

This is a simple mod I made in a day to test my userland ELF loader/injector. I made a mod just like this on Xbox 360 for Call Of Duty Modern Warefare II.

PowerPC Decompiler

I wrote a mini PowerPC decompiler before IDA Pro supported it.


I have done a lot of work on the MD380 digital radio and hacking the firmware on this radio. I wrote the entire flashing utility that every ham operator uses for updating the digital radio contact information and firmware. This was used by thousands of amateur radio enthusiasts!

My last Xbox 360 Game Mod

An off-host aimbot for Black Ops 3.

Old Xbox 360 Projects

I have done extensive research on the Xbox 360. I did lots of work on secure boot, glitching, and reverse engineering the hypervisor security system.